Posts tagged The Incredibles
When You Give Yourself Tangerines...
How Movies WorkAndrew Sherwood2-35, CinemaScope, Duplass Brothers, ensemble staging, iPhone, Karren Karagulian, Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, Mya Taylor, Rope, Russia House, Sean Baker, Sundance, Tangerine, The Incredibles, transgender, Uncanny Valley
Andrew Sarris and Auteur Theory: What If Brad Bird Directed Brave?
How Movies WorkAndrew SherwoodA Bug's Life, Andrew Sarris, Auteur Theory, Brad Bird, Brave, Brenda Chapman, Cahiers du Cinema, Cinemetropolis, David Bordwell, Finding Nemo, Galaxy Quest, Jim Emerson, Kevin Warnecke, Mark Andrews, Monsters Inc-, Pixar, Ratatouille, The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, Toy Story, Up, WALL-E