Writing The Western Update XIV: Dante Egg Just Gives Up WritingAndrew SherwoodDecember 15, 2011Casablanca, Cinemetropolis, Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?, Guest Blogger, The Western
Writing The Western Update XII: Dante Egg Grows Increasingly Frustrated WritingAndrew SherwoodNovember 30, 2011Cinemetropolis, Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?, Guest Blogger, The Western
Writing The Western Update IX: Dante Egg Is Too Late-Again WritingAndrew SherwoodOctober 21, 2011Cinemetropolis, Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?, Guest Blogger, The Western
Writing The Western Update VII: From The Mind of Detective Dante Egg, CMPD WritingAndrew SherwoodOctober 7, 2011Cinemetropolis, Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?, Guest Blogger, The Author, The Western